Best Recommended Tackle For Your Lure

The following is a guide only which we have put together as a reference for those people who wish to know what sort of tackle we recommend to get the best action out of our lures. Please note that this information is based on our own personal experiences fishing for Bream here in Australia. Bream are a very similar in both their appearance and the areas in which they inhabbit to US Sheepshead!The below is based on what we personally use ourselves and recommend. This is in no way a hard and fast set of rules it is purely our recommendations based on our own personal experiences. If you need to fish heavier gear than we recommend, that is usually fine however... please take note of the ratings of the split rings on each model which is listed below, and upgrade your split rings if you are required to fish heavier than the standard fitted ones are recommend for!
Crab 50mm Treble Hook Model, both Light and Heavy models
We recommend the use of rods in the 1-3kg (2-4lb) - 3-5kg (6-10lb) range with 2-4kg being our preferred option. Our personal preference for rod taper is a medium to medium fast tapered rod. We find that we tend to pull fewer hooks using a slightly slower taper as opposed to fast tapered rods. We generally find that with bream most fish tend to get hooked lightly in the lips a lot, and the use of slightly softer rods helps to absorb the head shakes and lunges from a hooked fish and also reduces the likelihood of the hook tearing out of the lips of the fish during the fight. We recommend rods ranging from 6" - 7'2" in length. Reels should match the rods... so being on the lighter end of the spectrum we recommend reels ranging from 1000 size up to 2500 size. Most of our fishing with these lures is done with 2000 and 2500 size reels. We personally use and highly recommend spooling these reels up with straight through fluorocarbon. Again we find that the extra stretch from the fluorocarbon aids in absorbing the shock from lunges and head shakes and helps to keep those small treble hooks firmly in place during the fight. Fluorocarbon ranging from 2lb - 6lb is perfect. We personally use 3lb for most fishing situations, or if we require a bit more pulling power we use reels spooled with 5lb fluorocarbon... we tie this directly to the split ring that comes standard with the lures. Braided or fused lines are another option and we recommend using lines in the 2lb - 10lb range with fluorocarbon leaders from 2lb up to 10lb a minimum of 2m in length.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not recommend using heavier lines then 10lb on these lures. The split rings on these lures are rated to 10lb and if you put more pressure on it than they are rated for then you are risking the split ring opening up!
Crab 65mm Treble Hook Model
We recommend the use of rods in the 2-4kg (4-8lb) up to 4-8kg (8lb-16lb) range with a 3-5kg rod being our personal preference for the fish species that we generally target with these lures here in Australia. Our personal preference for rod taper is a medium to medium fast tapered rod. We find that we tend to pull fewer hooks using a slightly slower taper as opposed to fast tapered rods. We generally find that with bream most fish tend to get hooked lightly in the lips a lot with this lure, and the use of a slightly softer rod helps to absorb the head shakes and lunges from a hooked fish and also reduces the likelihood of the hooks tearing out of the lips of the fish during the fight. We recommend rods ranging from 6" - 7'2" in length. Reels should match the rods... reels ranging from 2000 size spools up to 3000 size are perfect for this lure. Most of our fishing with these lures is done with 2000 and 2500 size reels. We personally use and highly recommend spooling these reels up with straight through fluorocarbon. Again we find that the extra stretch from the fluorocarbon aids in absorbing the shock from lunges and head shakes and helps to keep those treble hooks firmly in place during the fight. Fluorocarbon ranging from 4lb - 8lb is perfect. We personally use 5lb for most fishing situations. We tie this directly to the split ring that comes standard with the lures. Braided or fused lines are another great option and we recommend using lines in the 4lb - 15lb range with fluorocarbon leaders from 4lb up to 20lb a minimum of 2m in length.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not recommend using heavier lines then 20lb on these lures. The split rings on these lures are rated to 20lb and if you put more pressure on it than they are rated for then you are risking the split ring opening up!
35mm Crank, both Shallow and Deep models
For the best action from your 35mm crankbait we recommend the use of rods in lengths from 6" - 7'2" with line ratings ranging from 1-2kg (2-4lb) up to 3-5kg (6-10lb) with 1-2kg and 2-4kg rods being our preferred choice here. The perfect taper for this style of lure is a medium taper, but a medium faster tapered rod can be used also. The slightly slower tapers are perfect for the small trebles that these lures are fitted with and the softer action helps to absorb the head shakes and lunges from a fish during the fight, hence protecting the hooks from pulling or tearing out of the fish. Reels ranging from 1000 size up to 2500 size are perfect for this type of fishing. We personally like and use reels in the 2000 size ourselves and we use and highly recommend spooling these up with straight through fluorocarbon for this style of fishing. Fluorocarbon in the 2lb - 4lb range is perfect for this type of fishing and it also helps to protect against pulled hooks due to its extra stretch and shock absorption. Braided and fused lines are certainly another option here for those anglers who prefer the extra feel that braided and fused lines gives you. We recommend braided or fused lines in the 2lb - 10lb range with fluorocarbon leaders ranging from 2lb - 10lb a minimum of 2m in length.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not recommend using heavier lines then 10lb on these lures. The split rings on these lures are rated to 10lb and if you put more pressure on it than they are rated for then you are risking the split ring opening up!
40mm Vibe
These lures are best fished on rods ranging from 5'4" to 7'2" in length, with our preferred tapers being medium fast to fast tapers. We typically tend to find ourselves fishing these on fast tapered rods more so than anything else, but medium fast tapers work fine and I am sure that medium tapers would also suffice for those who prefer softer rods. Anything from 1-2kg (2-4lb) up to 3-6kg (6-12lb) is fine for this style of fishing. Reels in the 1000 to 2500 sizes are also perfect for these lures.... we predominately use 2000 size reels ourselves for these lures. We tend to fish a mix of braided line and straight through fluorocarbon for these lures. Straight through fluorocarbon in the 2lb - 6lb line class is perfect... we tend to use mainly 3lb and 5lb fluorocarbon when fishing straight through fluorocarbon on these lures. Braid is another great option here as it gives you a lot more feel and quicker hook set on those fickle little bites that you can sometimes encounter with this lure. Braided or fused lines in the 2lb - 10lb range are perfect with leaders tied from fluorocarbon in the 2lb - 10lb class a minimum of 2m in length. Our braid rods are typically loaded with a fused line in the 3lb line class with leaders generally ranging from 3lb - 8lb.
PLEASE NOTE: We do not recommend using heavier lines then 10lb on these lures. The split rings on these lures are rated to 10lb and if you put more pressure on it than they are rated for then you are risking the split ring opening up!